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Admissions Granted

Directed by Hao Wu, Miao Wang

Cast: Edward Blum, Sally Chen, Margaret M. Chin, Jeannie Suk Gersen, Danielle R. Holley, Cecilia Nunez, Neil Rudenstine, Jeff Wang, Michael Wang, Natasha Warikoo, Calvin Yang, Yukong Zhao

In the run-up to the landmark Supreme Court case pitting Asian American plaintiffs against Harvard University, controversial legal strategist Edward Blum took direct aim at dismantling affirmative action, energizing activists on both sides. Admissions Granted tracks the case’s emotional, high-stakes journey to the Supreme Court. Directors Hao Wu (76 Days and 2022 CAAM Mentor) and Miao Wang weave interviews, news archive, and verité footage to produce an honest and hard look at the complexity of the affirmative action debate, revealing the divisions within the Asian American community and our nation’s increasing polarization on matters of race and inclusion.

Dates & Times


The Great Star Theater

Sun, May 15
3:00 pm