Ready, Set, Pitch Panel

Ready, Set, Pitch Panel
Hotel Kabuki
March 17, 2013 10:00 am
CAAM is thrilled to present the 2013 Ready, Set, Pitch! At last year’s live fundraising pitch, four out of five projects reached their crowd-funding goals and raised more than $80,000!
This year, CAAM has upped the ante in a couple of new ways. First, we’ve incorporated audience voting to select the final three to five media producers. All media genres are welcome and projects will include robust audience-engagement strategies. Each media project must have a crowdfunding strategy, whether through a Kickstarter or Indiegogo campaign. Presenters are encouraged to showcase a lively and creative pitch that invites audience participation.
The second new addition this year is that CAAM will provide additional funds to the project that reaches their campaign goal first or raises the most money.
This program is made possible by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB).
CAAM is pleased to announce the projects that made it to the final round of Ready, Set, Pitch! 2013:
1. Facing the Mirror by Sara Khaki
2. Eat WIth Me by David Au
3. Vimana by Faroukh Virani
4. The Real Mikado by Joyce Wu
5. The Solar Champion by Gerry Balasta
Dates & Times
Ready, Set, Pitch Panel
Hotel Kabuki
March 17, 2013 10:00 am
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