Astro Boy: The 60th Anniversary Exhibition

Astro Boy: The 60th Anniversary Exhbition
SuperFrog Gallery
March 22, 2013 7:00 pm
“In an age when most American superheroes fought for a patriotic form of justice and had special powers derived from mysterious, almost cosmic sources, Astro Boy was utterly original. …His powers were based on semi-scientific or mechanical principles, and instead of fighting for justice, he fought for peace.”
—Frederic L. Schodt Astro Boy: Books 1 and 2.2
CAAM is thrilled to celebrate the sixtieth anniversary of that icon of manga, anime, and video games on the big screen: Astro Boy. A global sensation, Astro Boy is a touching story of a child’s dream of world peace. Starting as a Japanese manga in 1952 by Osamu Tezuka, Astro Boy was the first official anime released in America. Through the decades, Astro Boy has evolved, been remodeled and become a household name: his animated (and live action) TV series, many video games and toys, and most recently the 2009 film. Our Astro Boy spotlight will display many rare items to help celebrate the anniversary of this global hero, including rare TV episodes, classic manga, video games to play, and of course, Astro Boy, the film!
Dress up as AstroBoy or a robot for our cosplay contest!
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Dates & Times
Astro Boy: The 60th Anniversary Exhbition
SuperFrog Gallery
March 22, 2013 7:00 pm
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