Seeking Asian Female: So Beautiful Panel
Seeking Asian Female Panel
Union Bank Community Room
March 23, 2013 7:00 pm
Preceded By:
Seeking Asian Female
Pacific Film Archive Theater
March 15, 2013 7:00 pm
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A highly intimate story about an unconventional relationship, the feature-length documentary, Seeking Asian Female, uses the unique romance at its center to address larger issues such as the immigrant experience, cultural conflict, and what it means to love. Director Debbie Lum initially conceptualized the film as an exposé about men with “yellow fever”, but comes away with a surprisingly humanist view of a polarizing topic in mainstream culture.
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Join us for the post-screening reception:
Saturday, March 23, 8:30-11:30pmWine Jar: 1870 Bush St.Purpose: Meet and greet the filmmaker behind Seeking Asian Female after the panel at 7pm. Eat, drink and mingle with local community members!
Preceded By
Seeking Asian Female
Debbie Lum / Documentaries / USA / 2012 / Bay Area Connection, Comedy, Culture, Women / 82 mins
Steve, an aging white man with “yellow fever,” finds a young Chinese bride named Sandy through the Internet. The couple soon discovers that their dreams of a perfect love and life greatly contrast from their bitter reality. An honest, intimate documentary about culture, love, and the immigrant experience.Precedes: Seeking Asian Female: So Beautiful Panel
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Dates & Times
Seeking Asian Female Panel
Union Bank Community Room
March 23, 2013 7:00 pm
Preceded By:
Seeking Asian Female
Pacific Film Archive Theater
March 15, 2013 7:00 pm
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