New People
March 16, 2013 4:20 pm
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Sundance Kabuki Cinemas
March 17, 2013 5:00 pm
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Sundance Kabuki Cinemas
March 21, 2013 9:00 pm
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Whether pursuing success in media or simply desiring peace at home, the subjects of these films are faced with fulfilling an image of who they should be and how they should act. Featuring At Your Convenience, starring Randall Park. – Curated by Julie Hwang, Youngbin Kwon
Co-presented by: UCSF Multicultural Resource Center
In This Program
At Your Convenience
Raymond C. Lai / USA / 2011 / Animation, Narrative Fiction, Short, Television / 22 mins
At a neighborhood convenience store run by two best friends, everything is twisted. Starring Randall Park and Dwayne Perkins, this unusual sitcom (originally produced as a TV pilot) plays with stereotypes and more, all in front of remarkable CGI environments.
More than a Face in the Crowd
Samantha Chan / USA / 2013 / Documentary, Short / 25 mins
When Harry Met Sally and The Birds: these two films seem unrelated, but they have one thing in common: actress Jane Chung, filmmaker Samantha Chan’s 100-year-old great-aunt. In this witty, curious, and warm-hearted personal journey, Chan explores her aunt’s life and career in more than fifty films and TV series.
Mother and Child
Jocelyn Saddi-Lenhardt / USA / 2012 / 5 mins
Successfully building a life with her young son in the United States, a Filipina woman must reorganize everything to prepare for the return of her traditional husband. Short, precise and poignant, this film masterfully demonstrates the facades that people build in everyday life.
…Or Die
Gregory Bonsignore, John Petaja / USA / 2012 / Comedy / 14 mins
What happens when three brown men pitch their own funny idea to a show producer? What price must they pay to achieve YouTube success? Sarcastically hilarious but at the same time darkly sad, ...OR DIE is based on real events.
Screaming in Asian
Joyce Wu / USA / 2013 / Short / 10 mins
Facing rude casting agents and indifferent friends, aspiring actress Sophie is plagued with indignities and misfortunes until she finally breaks down. Teeming with frustration and painful truths, Screaming in Asian is still darkly funny.
Sarah Tadayon, David Frazier / Taiwan / 2012 / Documentary, Short / 13 mins
After a chance appearance on a popular Taiwanese talk show, Chinese-Iranian-American actress Sarah Tadayon decides to pursue her dreams in Asia. This personal, fascinating story reveals that leaving Hollywood does not mean escaping typecasting and stereotypical ideals of beauty.
Dates & Times
New People
March 16, 2013 4:20 pm
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Sundance Kabuki Cinemas
March 17, 2013 5:00 pm
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Sundance Kabuki Cinemas
March 21, 2013 9:00 pm
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