The films that make up the festival’s Shorts Program are vast and varied, making up what they lack in length with tremendous talent and limitless imagination. This year’s program converges the fantastical worlds of genre films with the equally unbelievable realities of global injustice and illuminates the joys and heartbreaks inherent in familial relationships, romantic love and being an outcast. Diverse and plentiful, there is bound to be a short for everyone.
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SHORTS / Canada / 2013 / 7 mins
From the adorably delectable to the grim and gritty, this collection of Canadian animation is a vast array of imaginative films, some a far cry from your childhood Saturday morning cartoons. These creative media makers bring to life visual tales that are altogether whimsical, unique and surprisingly truthful.
SHORTS / Canada / 2013 / 2 mins
From the adorably delectable to the grim and gritty, this collection of Canadian animation is a vast array of imaginative films, some a far cry from your childhood Saturday morning cartoons. These creative media makers bring to life visual tales that are altogether whimsical, unique and surprisingly truthful.
It’s Not A Prison If You Never Try The Door
SHORTS / Experimental / 7 mins
In this collection of experimental and documentary works, cityscapes, rainy days, video diaries and cinema itself are the starting points for adventurous inquiries into the acts of image-making. By repositioning the frame and repurposing the archive, linkages between memory, politics and the image are proposed and unsettled.
Kill Of The Night
SHORTS / USA / 2013 / 5 mins
From thrilling horror narratives to confrontations with death and decay, Provocateurs Shorts is a collection of this year’s darkest and most enthralling selections. Perfect for thrill-seekers and fun-loving audiences, this program is a joyride that will tickle and delight you.
A Lady Caddy Who Never Saw A Hole In One
SHORTS / Indonesia / 2013 / 15 mins
CAAM is proud to partner with Asia’s premier Busan International Film Festival (BIFF) to present this unique film exhibition of features and shorts. Marking the inaugural event of the CAAM-BIFF partnership, the Wide Angle Showcase epitomizes the innovative spirit that both organizations share.
The Lala Road
SHORTS / 2012 / 10 mins
A call to action: From revolutionary Filipinas to undocumented youth, Chinese lesbians and Japanese internment camp survivors, these films shed light on the need for Global Social Justice.
Lan Yan
SHORTS / China / 2013 / Bay Area Connection, Documentary, Student / 14 mins
A call to action: From revolutionary Filipinas to undocumented youth, Chinese lesbians and Japanese internment camp survivors, these films shed light on the need for Global Social Justice.
Leave A Light
Kyle Casey Chu / SHORTS / U S A / Experimental, Music Video, Short / 4 mins
From drag queens and music videos to glittery genderqueers, homegrown feminist heroes and Beat era artists, these Local Queer Shorts are exciting, vibrant and alive!
Lonesome Town
Grace Wang / SHORTS / USA/Canada / 2013 / Documentary, Experimental, Short / 3 mins
Whether fantastic or mundane, love can manifest itself in the oddest ways. Then again, it may not show up at all. From Coney Island to Vietnam, these films capture the ups and downs of romance in the modern age.
Makoto: Or, Honesty
SHORTS / USA / 2013 / 5 mins
A young man rejects the idea of becoming a farmer like his father; a little girl, now grown, fondly remembers afternoons spent with her elderly caretaker. Between different generations, ties that bind can also divide, and family can become a nightmare as well as solace.