Anatomy of a Music Video With Ruby Ibarra

Anatomy of a Music Video With Ruby Ibarra
Roxie Theater
May 20, 2018 3:40 pm
Not Available
In NOTHING ON US: PINAYS RISING BEHIND THE SCENES, Pinay Rapper Ruby Ibarra makes her directorial debut showing how she orchestrated an ambitious vision for her music video of “Us,” working through logistical nightmares and corralling a crowdsourced all-Pinay cast of 200 to create a multi-dimensional narrative. This documentary showcases the song’s global tropes of resistance and solidarity, serving as a Pinay anthem for women to continue rising.
— Marky Enriquez
Dates & Times
Anatomy of a Music Video With Ruby Ibarra
Roxie Theater
May 20, 2018 3:40 pm
Not Available