Memories to Light: Asian American Home Movies

Memories to Light: Asian American Home Movies
AMC Kabuki 8
May 15, 2018 7:10 pm
Not Available
Brought to light and saved from basements, garages, and closets across the country, where they are sometimes forgotten for decades, CAAM has digitized over 250 home movie reels from more than 30 Asian American families. Preserving these personal moments, originally captured on 8mm, super 8, and 16mm film, is only part of the work, as we collaborate with makers in the community who use some of the unedited footage to tell these stories in new and exciting ways. Please join us, once again, for a special screening and lively Q&A session for three of the latest short films, made by and about Bay Area locals.
With MY IMMIGRANT STORY, filmmaker Yuriko Romer narrates over selections from her home movies, reflecting on her family’s journey to the U.S. In THE LEW FAMILY: 1940s TO 1960s, broadcast journalist Lance Lew talks about what it was like growing up in Petaluma while his grandfather and father ran a well-known neighborhood grocery store. Finally, inspired by pre-war cannery workers, ON THE LINE offers a queer meditation on the Japanese American women who cleaned the tuna, worked the assembly line, and found same-sex intimacy amid fish guts while the men were off to sea.
–Davin Agatep
Expected attendees:
Director: Yuriko Gamo Romer MY IMMIGRANT Story
Director:Tina Takemoto On the Line
Co-Presented by: Queer Cultural Center (QCC)
Dates & Times
Memories to Light: Asian American Home Movies
AMC Kabuki 8
May 15, 2018 7:10 pm
Not Available