- Special Presentations
- 60 mins
Dokkaebi are creatures in Korean mythology that are said to bring karmic justice to all. These Korean goblins possess supernatural powers and are always watching our deeds (good and bad), choosing to reward or punish accordingly. They are also known to be mischievous, as well as helpful, or vengeful. In Korean culture, they are often used in children’s literature as a way to encourage good behavior.
Blending traditional Korean drumming with western instruments, SF native musician, Dan Lee (Scrabbel) explores the Dokkaebi through music by creating a “soundtrack” for their existence in the modern world. Come listen/watch 4 distinct musical compositions inspired by the many sides of Dokkaebi. This program is a window into the creative process of songwriting, as the artist draws inspiration from personal history, daily life, and the past year’s events and funnels it through the eyes and ears of Korean goblins.
Funded by a grant from the San Francisco Arts Commission, Dan’s new work is a continued exploration of Korean culture via music, similar to his “Magpies of Seoul” from CAAMFEST 2019. These new compositions seek to re-imagine the Dokkaebi as they interact with humans in today’s society. Guest musicians include: Sebastian Wang (janggu), Tim Bulkley (drums), Mike Olmos (trumpet) and DJ Cutso (turntables), and Ami Lee (ukulele).
Purchase of a ticket for the screening includes a digital download of the music. Here’s a link to a trailer.

Dan Lee is a Korean American musician born and raised in the Bay Area. He has released music under the name Scrabbel since 1999, and has toured around the world in various bands, most notably as a keyboardist for the Aislers Set. In recent years, Dan has explored his Korean roots by creating music that has connected those traditions with his western musical side. The results have culminated in The Magpies of Seoul, which premiered at CAAMFEST 2019, and this year’s The Good, The Bad, The Dokkaebi.
Co-Presenters: TRAKTIVIST, SF Jewish Community Center