Sanzu No Kawa: The River of Three Crossings
Directed by Cyrus Tabar

A young boy struggles to overcome his sister’s death as memories and life at home haunt him.
—Lauren Lola
Expected attendees:
Director: Cyrus Yoshi Tabar
Plays in
82 mins
Don’t panic, it’s just a movie … right? The collection of heart-pulsing shorts in ALTERED STATES will be sure to keep you up all night long. From sci-fi to horror to what lurks in between, these filmmakers take genre storytelling to the next level, one fright at a time.In This Program: Aswang Next Door, RUNNER, Sanzu No Kawa: The River of Three Crossings, Space Butthole, The Troubled Troubadour, A Vacation in Hollywood, Your Hand in Mine